With gas prices reaching $3.50 per gallon in places, it might be time to look into an alternative to your 1969 Chevy pickup with the 350 big block engine.  Here are just a few tips that might save you a little money.

Try carpooling.  I know that riding in a car with that guy who is just way too perky that early in the morning for his own good may seem daunting, but it could cut your gas prices in half just by riding to work with someone.

Public transportation is a cheap and effective way of getting around.  An all day bus pass usually runs around $5.  If the old lady across from you beats you with her cane again, you can always move seats.

If you are planning on buying a car, look into a hybrid.  Not all hybrids are alike, though, so research your options before you buy.

Riding a bike is a cheap and healthy way to get around as long as you don’t live too far away from where you are going.

There is also one other mode of transportation I would like to suggest.  It was invented at the beginning of time, so you know it is tried and true.  Walking! It is the cheapest and healthiest way to get around.

So whether you want to save money or you are just looking to ‘stick it to the man,’ here are some ideas to help you reach your goal.

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